Saturday, June 20, 2009

Shopping for Antiques is a Family Affair

Antiquing has become a family affair. In fact it's a great educational trip down memory lane for parents to share with their kids. Remember the rotary dial phone or how about a typewriter mmm I remember as a kid wanting a pink princess phone wow how times have changed now its a smartphone with internet capablities. What a coincidence I was interrupted by a customer who wanted to know if we had any red trim line phone. This got us into a whole conversation about having to pay the phone company for color phones, remember you could only rent phones from Ma Bell. Antiques & collectibles go hand in hand. Our shop is a great example of victorian armoires and great kitschy items like typewriters and rotary phones. Another interruption just sold, an old polaroid camera the kind you pull out the film and rub with a chemical stick that smelled really bad but wow what a invention you could get your pictures instantly. Of our 6 grandchildren (I am a very young grandmother kinda of a Holly Hunter type, since you can't see my picture I can take some literary license) the oldest being 10 have all been coming to our shop since they were born. It has a lot going for it with 15,000 sq feet it's a great place to play hide and seek, not so great to ride their scooters, my nephew took the corner too fast and damaged some goods that was the end of that. Point is we have wide hallways great for strollers,and lots of interesting blasts from the past that you can share with your kids. Don't get mad if they say things like, wow Dad you remember that you must be really old! We hear that a lot. We run a very lively shop where we remember our customers. C.J. is the best at that and want them to have a good time when they come. Good service and great buys (mmm another blast from the past). Open 7 days week except the few holidays C.J. lets us close, you can spend a whole day with us. We even have a new fangled TV and great fresh roasted coffee, how bout an ice cold Barq's or Coca Cola in a bottle. So come on in set a spell take your shoes off we'll be right back now!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great place to shop or visit. Can find almost anything here. C.J. loves to visit and sell you something.
